Extremely Not Entertaining

Friday, September 23, 2005

Anime Weekend at Atlanta(AWA): Day One

Yes, it's a convention(con) where all the fellow fans of anime gather to meet and "discuss" anime. That's right, the creatures crawl out from their liars, from which they dwell, to ravage a hotel for a weekend. Now, at first thought, I wanted to go and see all the anime that pretty much no one has heard of. But, I got a whole lot more than I bargained for. Sure enough, the geeks took over the entire hotel with their presence of pungent smell of not bathing for days--possibly weeks.

Upon driving into the parking lot, I could already tell that this is going to be a very interesting weekend. First group of my "fellow con'ners" that I came across were a group of guys wearing very tight clothes, mostly consisting of t-shirts and what seemed to be gym shorts. My first thought was that they were here not for the anime con, but for the uber-gay con. But alas, I was wrong. And those guys were nothing but a foreshadowing of what was to come within the next few hours.

Making my way to the floor, having to shove my way through crowds of cosplayers(geeks dressed up as their favorite character), I come to find that there is nothing going on for the entire night, other than people watching anime that has been over played, with all thanks due to the Cartoon Network--mainly, Adult Swim. Oh, but there was a band, a German band to be more precise, that was the main attraction(not to me). It seemed that there songs were mostly consisting of shouts and incoherent yelling of Japanese words. So, you can imagine that I was displeased with the first impression.

Not to long after the rambling of Hitler's rejects from hell, another attraction soon commenced. But this was nothing bad, just strange and quite amusing. It was a good demonstration of what anime freaks do with their time in between wanking their junk while watching anime and not bathing. The event was mainly ripped anime behind music or scenes from live-action movies, such as Better Off Dead, etc. But, in some contexts, it was quite funny; you just have to be an anime fan to understand it.

So the ending to the first day was not that bad when compared to the initiation of the con's first day. But tomorrow should be more entertaining, for there is a cosplay contest--you can just imgine the hell that will be brought there. Yet, I'm really looking forward to vendors that will be selling merchandise of some value--at least to me.

Until tomorrow night then. I'll have some pictures of all the cosplayers for you next time.



Tuesday, September 20, 2005

This pain sucks....

First off, understand this, my bed here is harder than a rock. Just think of a slab of concrete as for a bed. This is what I have to sleep on every night. For the past two days, my back has become incredibly sore due to the fact that my bed is the worst thing I've ever slept on. And today, I have two tests; one I'm ready for and the other, well let's just say no, I'm not ready. To make matters worse, I've only gotten two to three hours of sleep--pain from my back. And now, I'm constantly yawning and wanting to crawl into my bed and sleep, but I wont be able to since I have those horribly scheduled tests.

So, you can imagine that I'm not in the best of moods as of this moment. I really don't care about the tests right now. I don't care if I fail or pass; all I want to do is sleep a nice soundly sleep.

Edit: Well, I've just got through with all of my tests for today and not as bad as I thought. My Chemistry, I know I failed, but it's not a low grade, thankfully. And as for my Accounting test, I think I did really well on it. I'm sure that I wont get an 'A', but at least it'll be a high 'B' or a 'C'. But as for my back, signs of it healing are looking grimm.


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A few features.

Well, isn't much, but I've made a few additions to the current template. I'm still not satisfied, so there's a lot more work for me to do.

Please comment and let me know what needs to change or whatever.



Saturday, September 03, 2005

This is just a test.......

My first, official, blog ever. So don't expect much here, other than the simple minded rants of a mind that is in tuned--heavily--with entertainment and all that surround it.

Also, I'm changing certain things on this template. Most of the stuff you'll end up seeing on this blog will be my own creation. Adobe Photoshop is one of my passions on the computer.