Extremely Not Entertaining

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

This pain sucks....

First off, understand this, my bed here is harder than a rock. Just think of a slab of concrete as for a bed. This is what I have to sleep on every night. For the past two days, my back has become incredibly sore due to the fact that my bed is the worst thing I've ever slept on. And today, I have two tests; one I'm ready for and the other, well let's just say no, I'm not ready. To make matters worse, I've only gotten two to three hours of sleep--pain from my back. And now, I'm constantly yawning and wanting to crawl into my bed and sleep, but I wont be able to since I have those horribly scheduled tests.

So, you can imagine that I'm not in the best of moods as of this moment. I really don't care about the tests right now. I don't care if I fail or pass; all I want to do is sleep a nice soundly sleep.

Edit: Well, I've just got through with all of my tests for today and not as bad as I thought. My Chemistry, I know I failed, but it's not a low grade, thankfully. And as for my Accounting test, I think I did really well on it. I'm sure that I wont get an 'A', but at least it'll be a high 'B' or a 'C'. But as for my back, signs of it healing are looking grimm.



  • You have to take chemistry for computer science? Accounting too? That does suck.

    You should go to wal-mart or somewhere and buy that egg-crate stuff to put on your bed. I don't think it cost much. That may help. Or go to an outdoors store and check those pads you use when you camp. I think they only cost around $30 or so for a good one.

    By Blogger jt, at 2:36 AM  

  • Yeah, I was going to do that. I hope that they don't cost that much. Dad took a huge chunk of my funds for his "bills," and yet, he's going to Vegas this week? Suspicion!

    By Blogger maslow, at 7:13 AM  

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